

You, or around people who have diabetes in trouble? No way to landing at the standard level? Maybe I can help you oh! Can be done without a lot of money! If you are interested please call me!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

我的心機~玻尿酸鎖水保濕面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate


This mask can be absorbed immediately on the formation of a layer of the epidermis, although hydrophilic coated film of mask, but they use fresh not greasy, easily absorbed so that after the maintenance is more soft and supple skin like a velvet-like feel!
Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~Q10膠原蛋白面膜Q10 Collagen

以日本嚴選精緻萃取的膠原蛋白精華原液Q10為主要配方,膠原蛋白可以促進肌膚彈力提升搭配海藻精華液加倍嫩膚保濕能力肌膚光滑亮麗,讓你維持年輕與活力,保有健康美麗! Q10敷效素有很好的抗氧化功能。

Collagen can promote skin elasticity to enhance double Rejuvenation Lotion with seaweed moisturizing ability to smooth, beautiful skin
Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~淨化調理面膜 Iris Extract


Inhibit the secretion of oil to make skin look more clear, smooth and mild non-stimulating to remove accumulated dirt in the pores and aging within the keratin.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~角質深層清潔面膜 Bacillus Ferment


Protein-containing enzymes to speed up skin metabolism, update the old all-round improvement of waste horny skin problems so that the skin protection Festival crystal clear.
Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~左旋C極淨煥白面膜 Levorotary C


To help restore luster to the skin, reduce fine lines

Price: RM3 RM2

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我的心機~葡萄籽靓白喚膚面膜 Grape Seed Extract


So that the skin complexion moisturizing skin protection, so that the skin should have the flexibility to maintain and tension to prevent skin sagging and wrinkles arise
Price: RM3 RM2

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我的心機~牛奶亮白保濕面膜 Milk Extract


Can immediately improve the facial skin rough, dull skin to reproduce the problem so perfect, soft, smooth, white delicate

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~綠茶薏仁面膜 Green Tea Extract


Anti-oxidation and restore skin radiance bright, repair skin, bright reply something to be proud. To improve the scaling skin, rough skin phenomenon.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~綠茶草本抗痘面膜 Osmosoft


Be able to soften the keratin, control sebum activity, regulate oil secretion. To improve the greasy dirty skin.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~珍珠粉蛋白面膜 Pearl Extract


Enhance skin vitality and maintain skin moisture and elasticity

Price: RM3 RM2

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我的心機~蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜 Hydrolyzed Silk Protein


To improve the maintenance of skin water shortages so refreshing after the skin is not greasy..
Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~熊果素亮白無暇面膜 Arbutin Extract


Adequately improve the skin pigmentation and uneven skin color dull phenomenon of

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

我的心機~蘆薈維他命E修護面膜 Aloe Extract


Aloe has a high degree of moisture and repair functions. To show healthy white skin color, so that facial skin is more smooth and elastic.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!


添加高含量Q10、膠原蛋白、玻尿酸等保濕活化因子,對各種膚質均有保濕、 修護的效果。超服貼的竹炭面膜布材質能將面膜中精華液的成份緊緊鎖於肌膚中,除了驚人的保濕力外,竹炭面膜布,內含活性炭成份更可清除臉部毛孔上髒汙

Have a variety of skin moisture, repair results. Containing carbon ingredients can remove facial pores on the dirty.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!


Be able to relieve the skin to improve the oil secretion and improve the skin sensitive to the phenomenon of pore, skin repair.

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

北海道戀人~♥ 15胜肽煥顏面膜


Improve the skin lock water features, to enhance moisturizing skin Witte a full day of beauty, improve skin clarity, while improving the dry, dull, large pores, aging skin problems such as annoying

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

北海道戀人~♥櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Sakura Whitening Mask


Conditioning pores, nourishes the skin to improve dull, so that the skin is not tight to maintain fresh state, returned to the skin-Ming Xi honor

Price: RM3 RM2

Buy 10 get 1 FREE! while stock last!

北海道戀人~♥ E.G.F修護無痕面膜 E.G.F Reconstruct Mask


Extreme Mask, with tender skin effect, smooth fine lines, compact skin, moisturizing repair and other functions

Price: RM3 RM2

Friday, January 15, 2010

完美浓密电动睫毛膏Maki.Girl Waterproof Electric Mascara

根根完整包覆, 簡單完妝纖長濃密睫毛, 派對女王密技, 放大濃黑, 夜幕中也是超級電眼, 清秀艷麗, 自在變妝, 纖長濃密美睫一手搞定, 不要假睫毛加倍超濃密捲翹.

Party Queen cheat, amplification thick black, the darkness is also a super-electronic eyes you ever thought possible US eyelashes thick hand without getting false eyelashes do not redouble our super-dense Curl

Capacity: 10ml ~ Price: RM70 RM56

头皮舒缓洁净露Scalp Refresh Lotion


Effectively remove excess scalp oil, reduce scalp problems

Capacity: 170ml ~ Price: RM99 RM69

蓬密潤髮乳Moisturizing Volume Conditioner


Moisturizing hair, strengthening hair and toughness, showing abundance fluffy hair.

容量:240ml ~ Price: RM68 RM58

超完美立体大眼5色眼影Beauty Maker Perfect Eyeshadow Palette




The colors are chosen specifically to add light, dimension and depth to the eye. The velvety texture glides on and stays put.

Capacity:6g ~ Price: RM88 RM59

零负担眼唇卸妆液Beauty Maker Eye Make Up Remover

這款眼唇卸妝液,不論再頑強的防水睫毛膏及口紅,只要輕輕敷10秒鐘,都能輕鬆卸的乾乾淨淨,並且添加小黃瓜及盧薈萃取精華, 在卸妝的同時能紓緩肌膚,能一次做好清潔及保濕,眼周及唇部不會黯沉,亦不容易產生小細紋!


Created especially for the delicate eye and lip area. This gentle makeup remover instantly whisks away all traces of lip color and eye makeup.

Capacity: 150ml ~ Price: RM65 RM45

无限延伸接发睫毛膏Beauty Maker Maximum Length Mascara

1.豐盈擬真睫毛纖維: 以獨家無感防油凝膠融合,創造出極滑順質地不易糾結,不用任何技巧,就能輕易沾附在睫毛上,絕不易糾結

2.刷出一年睫毛生長長度: 針對台灣女生扁平眼型設計超飽合毛刷,一次沾取爆量豐盈擬真睫毛纖維,每刷一次就增長一次,無限向外延伸,就如同接髮般,最長可以超過睫毛一年生長的長度。

3.防油、防淚、溫水卸除即可: 專門為油美眉設計,特殊無感防油凝膠,只要以溫水輕按十秒即可卸除。


Capacity:7.5g ~ Price: RM91 RM58

满天星眼彩Beauty Maker Starlit Eye Shadow



These exquisitely powders add playful color to the eyes when worn alone, and create rich, exotic tones when layered over neutral eye shadow.

Capacity: 3.5g ~ Price: RM75 RM56

恋爱小粉扑~恋爱粉红Beauty Maker Love Pu Pu Cheek



A lightweight blush that enhance the face with a sheer vell of color. Contains evening primrose oil and amino acid to soften, smooth and help maintain that youthful glow.

Capacity:6g ~ Price: RM69 RM52

茶树净痘粉刺水Tea Tree Pure Pore Acne Drying Lotion



適用膚質:  中油性肌膚,推薦痘痘及粉刺部位使用

This acne drying lotion is an excellent spot treatment made with a blend of sulfur and salicylic acid to clear up blackheads and breakouts and soothe unsightly whiteheads over night. With natural tea tree essential oil helps to heal the acne. A dab of this lotion will heal and dry pimples quickly.

Capacity: 30ml ~ Price: RM70 RM52

茶树毛孔超净化抗菌豆蔻修护胶Tea Tree Anti-Blemish Gel EX


适用肤质:  各種肌膚/有狀況出現時,局部使用即可。

New formula anti-blemish gel that is very best cellular turnover, exfoliating formula that will help reduce blemishes and clogged pores. Formulated with tea tree essential oil, glycolic acid, witch hazel, allantoin and piroctone olamine. Idea for topical pimple cure.

Capacity:15ml ~ Price: RM46 RM37

茶树毛孔超净化调理晚安冻膜Tea Tree Pure Pore Facial Night Jelly



This deep pore cleansing night gel mask is an anti-septic and detox face treatment that leaves the skin and pore pure and refined. It is infused with witch hazel, aloe and cucumber extracts and zinc gluconate that melt into the skin when applied to the face, helping to hydrate skin and regulate the sebum flow, and piroctone olamine improve the acne and breakout. Every morning when you wake up, you will feel more even, pure, matte and poreless skin.

Capacity:70g ~ Price: RM72 RM52

茶树毛孔超净化油脂调理露Tea Tree Pure Pore Freshener EX


适用肤质: 油性及問題性肌膚 。

New formula anti-shine toner for T-zone,oily,problem or combination skin. It clarifies the skin, removes excess sebum, helps smooth out roughness and helps reduce the appearance of large pores. Tea tree essential oil, witch hazel, matricaria extract and glycolic acid that together form a clarifying synergistic action to clear up acne blemishes.

Capacity:120ml ~ Price: RM62 RM49

茶树毛孔超净化晶粉霜Tea Tree Pure Pore Mousse Foundation EX

油性肌膚怕脫妝? 或是怕長粉刺而不敢上妝?


1.添加天然茶樹精油、矽石、氧化鋅粉末,能收斂毛孔、調理油性膚質, 讓你上妝的同時不需擔心肌膚搭起違章建築的恐懼


This innovative, light-as-air mousse foundation instantly transforms into a velvety soft, matte makeup finish in a single application. Its cream to powder formula glides over skin to cover imperfections leaving a beautiful, soft finish. With a shine-free, matified look there’s no need to apply a powder. Tea tree essential oil and witch hazel extracts help clear up and prevent blemishes.

Capacity:30g ~ Price: RM75 RM60

茶树净痘水晶防晒霜粉饼Tea Tree Anti-Acne Mousse Cream Base (SPF48)


适用肤质: 油性、容易有粉刺、痘痘的肌膚

Capacity:10g ~ Price: RM73 RM50

茶树毛孔收敛控油防晒液Tea Tree Acne Clean UV Protector (SPF 50/ PA+++)



The oil-free sunscreen shields the skin from damaging UV sun rays while controlling oil production, giving you a healthy matte finish. Formulated with micro sponge technology. Oil free matte block absorbs oil, preventing shine without any powder residue. Soothing aloe and cucumber extracts help calm inflammation caused by breakouts.

容量:40ml ~ Price: RM82  RM55

茶树毛孔超净化T区粉刺组(双剂型)Tea tree Sebum Purifying Pack Set





1. Tea Tree Deep Sebum Softener: Soften T-zone deep sebum and cutin.
2. Tea Tree Sebum Purifying Mask: Purify the T-zone sebum and clean T-zone completely.

Capacity:茶樹毛孔軟化凝露20ml、茶樹毛孔T區黑面膜40ml ~ Price: RM72 RM54

茶树毛孔超净化洁面胶Tea Tree Pure Pore Facial Wash EX


适用肤质: 油性及問題性肌膚

New deep pore cleansing gel for oily, combination or problem skin. Contains tea tree essential oil, witch hazel and piroctone olamine, which together form a clarifying synergistic action to clear up acne blemishes and help reduce the appearance of large pores. It designed to minimize oil and wipe away the dirt and grime that clouds your complexion.

容量:120ml ~ Price: RM55 RM38

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

百合茉莉純花胜月太保濕露N Lily & Jasmine Hydra-Enriched Essence N



This new formulated, super-saturated hydrating fluid for the driest skin conditions contains lily, jasmine, multi-peptides, soya extract and hyaluronic acid, intensely moisturizes thirsty skin as it smoothes and minimizes expression lines. Your skin is left supple, soft and radiant.

Capacity:120ml ~ Price: RM78 RM63

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

茶樹毛孔超淨化SPA美背浴 Tea Tree Pure Pore SPA Shower Gel EX



New formula, excellent shower gel with tea tree essential oil, piroctone olamine and botanical extracts to cleanse and soften, exfoliate and smooth the skin. Helps eliminate the breakout cycle while it removes excess oil, and bacteria. Soothes and conditions the skin, leaving it “squeaky” clean and oil and residue-free.

Capacity: 250ml ~ Price: RM58 RM 47

茶树毛孔超净化卸妆凝胶 Tea Tree Pure Pore Make-Off Gel EX



New formula, deep purifying gel cleanser that quickly lifts away makeup and surface cells to help reduce clogged pore and leave skin clean and bright.

Capacity: 100g ~ Price: RM50 RM 40

* Sold Out!

茶樹毛孔超淨化角質調理膠 Tea Tree Pure Pore Facial Exfoliator EX



New potent exfoliating face smoother containing natural tea tree leaf powder exfoliates and opens clogged pores; tea tree essential oil is a highly anti-septic ingredient that helps reduce irritation, oil, and the appearance of unsightly blemish. This will prevent the blackhead, whitehead and make large pore thinner and finer.

Capacity:60ml ~ Price: RM48 RM37

茶樹毛孔超淨化保濕凝露 Tea Tree Pure Pore Moisture Gel EX



Brand new water-based gel actively works to control pimples, blackhead and other forms of acne, promotes a clear , healthy-looking complexion. Tea Tree essential oil, lemon, witch hazel, urea and fruity acid that together form a clarifying synergistic action to clear up acne blemishes. Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and rose water keep skin from water loss, make it soft, smooth, well hydrated without oiliness.

Capacity:60ml ~ Price: RM60 RM48

*Sold Out!

茶樹荳蔻調理遮瑕棒EX Tea Tree Oil Cover Stick

SOS 瞬間讓粉刺荳蔻隱形的急救法寶

局部修護 淨痘調理 掩飾瑕疵


Capacity: 1.4g ~ Price: RM46  RM36

薰衣草淨白卸妝乳 Lavender Detox-White Cleansing Milk


Brand new formula, high-powered, one-step cleansing gel rapidly dissolves dirt and makeup. PH balances, tones, and deep pore cleanses your skin. Lavender essential oil detoxifies, promotes micro-circulation. Stable vitamin C derivative, bearberry leaf and brightening botanical complex clarify the skin, leaving it soft, clean, refined and revitalized.

容量:120ml ~ Price: RM62 RM50

薰衣草淨白潔面膠 Lavender Detox-White Hydra Facial Wash C


An extra mild, soothing foaming wash ideal for all skin types who desire a soap and water “squeaky-clean” feel without tightness and dehydration. Lavender essential oil detoxifies, promotes micro-circulation. Vitamin C derivative, bearberry leaf and brightening botanical complex clarify the skin, leaving it ultra clean, refined and revitalized.

容量:120ml ~ Price: RM55 RM36

薰衣草淨白雪顏露 Lavender Detox-White Lotion Complex C


New soothing hydrating complex contains whole leaf aloe vera, cucumber juice and whitening botanical complex, plus bearberry leaf and vitamin C derivative to clarify and calm the skin. Lavender essential oil detoxifies, promotes micro-circulation and sooths the skin irritation after sunburn. It can restore skin to its natural PH value, allowing skin care products that are applied afterward to penetrate better. Could be a soothing pad after sun.

容量:120ml ~ Price: RM62 RM46

Monday, January 11, 2010

薰衣草淨白雪顏精 Lavender Detox-White Hydra Serum C


This super-charged high-tech whitening treatment for brown spots and dull complexion is effective at Minimizing the appearance of discolored skin. Lavender essential oil detoxifies, promotes micro-circulation. Vitamin C derivative, bearberry leaf and high-dosed brightening botanical complex lighten the skin, leaving it bright, refined and revitalized.

Capacity:30ml ~ Price: RM58 RM46

薰衣草净白晶凝乳 Lavender Detox-White Crystal Moisture C



Extra light, easy to absorb, daily high-performance moisturizer is designed for oily skin that has a dull complexion. It contains lavender essential oil to detoxify impurities, promote micro-circulation. Vitamin C derivative, brightening botanical complex and bearberry leaf can even out patchy skin tone, aloe sooths and hydrates the skin. Leaving it bright, refined and smooth.

Capacity:50ml ~ Price: RM48 RM38

薰衣草净白雪亮霜 Lavender Detox-White Hydra Facial Crème C



This whitening cream contains lavender essential oil, whitening botanical complex, bearberry leaf extract and vitamin C derivative to even out uneven skin tone. Natural plant extracts sooth and hydrate , leaving it bright, refined and very smooth.

Capacity:60g ~ Price: RM60 RM45

薰衣草净白激光导润液 Lavender Detox-White Deep Penetrating Essence



This exciting whitening-boosting formulation contains the highly effective skin lightening complex of vitamin c glucoside, bio-white plant extracts, bearberry and licorice extracts, and the skin penetrating capabilities of dimethyl isosorbide. It helps to enhance the whitening ingredients absorption and speeds the skin lightening effect.

容量:105ml ~ Price: RM78 RM68

薰衣草美白晚安冻膜 Lavender Detox-White Facial Night Jelly


This superb night gel mask is a whitening and recovery face treatment that leaves the skin bright and sooth. It is infused with plant extracts and bio-whitening complex that melt into the skin when applied to the face, helping to reveal a lighter, more even complexion by lightening dark spots and imperfections while helping to prevent the formation of new dark spots.

Capacity: 70ml ~ Price: RM52

薰衣草净白眼圈美白霜 Lavender Detox-White Eye Crème C


High-performance brightening eye cream is specially formulated for dark under eye circles. Unique combines whitening and circulation promoting active plant extracts to make your eye area radiant and bright.

Capacity:15ml ~ Price: RM46 RM36